Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 2 - Casa Maketing

As a nutrition major in his first web paralytics class, all of the information appears foreign even though I am somewhat fluent with computers. Upon reading Casa Marketing: Intro to Google Analytics (By Todd Kelsey) my first thought was will this class help me later in life, or will I be able to pull some useful information for later. I was nervous, a little worried, but still curious to see what i was getting myself into.

Just a few pages in my question was answered. He said that a mentor of his gave him some advice, “Follow the money trail”. All though that sounds like the typical money-hungry suggestion he interpreted it in a unique way. “So she wasn’t saying, ‘bow down to money’ – she was just saying it’s good to understand how much money flows through a business, and what makes money, and what costs a business money “. This really had stuck out and made me think that web analytics is more in depth than it seems. Yet it can be a really good skill for a future business man to have. In order to make money you will need to find where the source is coming from and how to make it flow. There I was coming to my epiphany in the first ten pages of how I will benefit from this book and class. Just after the first chapter I can say that I am now eager to know more on web analytics.

For anyone that wants to follow along the web analytics journey here is a link for the book: http://www.amazon.com/CASA-Marketing-Intro-Google-Analytics/dp/1517041678/


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