Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week 7 - Casa marketing Chapter 4 & Google Analytics

This blog post will focus on Chapter 4: Reviewing Performance of Campaigns from Casa Marketing Intro to Google Analytics and my personal experience adding Google Analytics to my blogger account.

First thing, make a Google Analytics account - http://www.google.com/analytics/ 
After doing this you will need to either add the codes into your website or if you are also using blogger it is simple to add it in. For blogger you will need to go into the settings portion of blogger and select "Other". At the bottom of a page there is a section that allows you to add the tracking ID the Google Analytics provides you with.

After applying Google Analytics to your website or blog, give it a few days to populate some data. Once a few days go by, log into your Google Analytics account and you will be able to see all the data. At first it will look overwhelming and confusing but only track a few metrics initially. When starting you will want to go to "Behavior" and select "Overview".

In here you can see the typical data sets like page views, unique page views, average time on page, bounce rate, and exit rate. The most important thing you will want to remember is the time frame setting located at the top right corner. Always select the appropriate time frame that you want to view.


Another quick tip would be to create a dashboard to just overlook all the main things you want to monitor. What I find interesting is that you can watch where your visitors are coming from a geographical stand point. 


From personal experience, just mess around with your settings to get a feel for Google Analytics. Hope everything works out for everyone. 

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