Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 3 - LinkedIn Profile

One of the requirements for this week was to add a skill to your LinkedIn profile. Well, for me this meant that I had to finally create a LinkedIn profile after much hesitation. Roughly two years ago I had a colleague suggest that I make a profile. At the time I did not think much of it and had no interest in doing so.

When first creating a profile it asks you for some of the basic information like most social media sites. A few more steps into the process it started asking for more in depth information. Example being, adding a summary of yourself that is just a quick highlight your experience and interests. Also including job description information. At the time I just made the most basic profile including just my past job experience and some slight contact information.

Going home and reading chapter two of What Color Is Your Parachute I found a few errors with what I had done. First, one should know that today in society the internet, mainly social media is the biggest place where someone can gain access to others personal info. This being said one should go in and edit what people can see. Having one inappropriate photo can cause one to lose a job opportunity. Next, to focus on LinkedIn, if you have yet to create a profile like I had, I highly recommend creating one after reading this. Reason being, LinkedIn is the professional social media site that a corporate agency or headhunter is going to resort to when looking for information about you. Also, its a great place to build your network which will always be resourceful The book also gave some great tips for developing ones profile. I found these hints to be really helpful, especially sense I am still new to this social media site. Here are the ones that I benefited from the most,
    • Keep it simple and professional, make it a photo of just your shoulders and up. Your profile is 11 times more likely to get viewed if it has a photo. 
    •  There is enough room provided to describe your story, make sure you use the space wisely. Tell your story and describe how you made a difference. 
    •  This is the place where you highlight yourself. You want to be the best choice for a job position. Don't be conceited but don't sound average.
    •  List any hobbies, interest, education, training, and personal achievements. 

   I hope that these quick five hints are found useful for those who need to still create a profile, or those who are looking to edit and update their current profile. Anyone that is looking for more information from What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles, here is a link where the book can be found:


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